Sonntag, 17. Juni 2007

All 4 one headhunters

Do you have problems with someone in your neighborhood. Someone who hates you because of your ancestry or your sexual preferences? Call us. Phone: 0345-FUCK 'EM ALL
And you'll have his head in your trophy room soon.

Did you know that...

...there's racial love too??? It exists. If someone loves another person because he's different it's called racial love.

Did you know that...

...the US used institutionalized Racism to stop the immigration of Asian-Americans.

Did you know that...

...a lot of FAs had been fired after 9/11 because the majority of FAs are muslimes.

Did you know that...

... the Fortune Cookie wasn't invented in China. The F. C., for us typical chinese was invented in San Francisco.

Letter by a japanese-american teenager in a Internment camp to a friend

Hi James,
how are you? I hope you noticed that I have been away since last Friday. Well, this great government in the country of liberty said we're something like terrorists since Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. I'm in Manzanar, the concentration camp about 30 miles away from you. It's so disgusting here. We're about 20 people in a 50m² room. The toilets are unpartitioned and we have to sleep in paper-covered barracks. I feel like in prison because the area of ihe camp is surrounded by barbed-wire. I hope that the war ends soon and I hope that the US-government recognizes that we have nothing to do with this war. Well, I got to stop now because we're not allowed to write more than a few letters. I hope you don't forget me. I miss you.
Your Ashika